
Monday, April 15, 2013

Black Ops 2 Hardpoint Guide Part 1

Part 2
    Hello gamers! Today I will be  starting a game mode guide series. The guides that will be released first are the game modes, that if played right, will net you the highest score per minute; thus, helping you level up as fast as possible. This is part 1 of a 2 part Hardpoint series. This first part will explain the game of hardpoint and suggest great classes to use for this game mode.

What is Hardpoint?

Hardpoint is a game mode in Call of Duty Blackops in which two or more teams compete for sections of the map called "hardpoints". There is only one hardpoint out at a time and these hardpoints rotate. For each second that you control the hardpoint you will earn one point. The game ends when the ten minute timer is up or when a team has reach the 250 point limit.

Why play Hardpoint?

Hardpoint is absolutely amazing. It's fast paced, extremely fun, and can net you some serious experience points. Many of the prestige masters you see online used hardpoint as their means to reach master. Hardpoint is also great for those who are out there trying to get high kill streaks. Since everyone is rushing to these points, if one were inclined, one could just pick certain spots and mow them down as they run for the hardpoint. There are many other reasons one may want to play hardpoint, but I believe this should give everyone a picture as to why.

Hardpoint Classes

I am going to suggest some classes that I've tried and found very useful. In no way is there a "best class". Certain classes are better than others in certain situations. I've played countless hours on and found that they work for me. Feel free to tinker and adjust these classes to fit your game style.

Class One: The Start

This class will be used at the very start of the game. It is set up to give you the best chance of reaching the hardpoint first. It is also set up to help you survive the initial hardpoint push.

Perk 1: Lightweight & Flak Jacket
Perk2: Toughness
Perk 3: Marathon & Tactical Mask or Dexterity.

Wildcard 1: Perk 1 Greed
Wildcard 2: Perk 3 Greed

Primary Gun: I'd suggest a submachine gun with Laser Sight & Long barrel or Suppressor, however,  you can just pick the gun you feel most comfortable with.

Secondary Gun: None
Tactical: None

You can always substitute a Primary gun attachment forC-4 or  any other lethal.

Explained: Lightweight is chosen because it makes you move faster; which is important factor when trying to reach the hardpoint first. Flak Jacket is used for grenades and c4 being thrown onto the hardpoint at the start. Toughness is used to give you that extra advantage if you run into trouble on the hardpoint. Marathon coupled with lightweight insures that you will be at the hardpoint before or at the same time as others. Tactical mask is important because a lot of people will throw flash grenades or tactical weapons onto the hardpoint during the initial rush. Using tactical mask will give you quite the advantage.

Class Two: Let's Get Aggressive

This class is great to be used after the initial start. It is well rounded. It allows you to move fast, with strong firepower, and a smoke grenade to provide cover when needed.  It also allows you to not be hindered by flash bangs, shock charges, etc. Which is important when you are trying to be aggressive.

Perk 1: Lightweight & Flakjacket
Perk 2: Toughness
Perk 3: Tactical mask

Wildcard 1: Perk 1 Greed

Primary Weapon: Your favorite SMG w/ laser and silencer or whatever set up you feel comfortable with.

Secondary Weapon: None

Letal: C4
Tactical: Smoke

Explained: This class is much like the first one, however it is somewhat more powerful. We have taken off marathon because the initial hardpoint is over and we don't need to try and be there first any more. This means we can also take off Perk 3 greed. This allows us to equip a lethal and a tactical. The C4 is my go to lethal. It is especially good at clearing of certain hardpoints. The smoke is also very useful. It can provide cover in sticky situtations. Or if you are charging an area the smoke will also provide cover.

Class 3:The Aggrocrag!

This class is almost identical to the above class, however, there is a huge difference.  I find this as my go-to class after the initial start.

Perk 1: Lightweight & Flak jacket or Flak jacket and Hardline
Perk 2: Toughness
Perk 3: Tactical mask

Wildcard 1: Perk 1 Greed

Primary Weapon: PDW w/ Laser sight + long Barrel

Secondary Weapon: None

Letal: C4
Tactical: tactical insertion

Explained: This class is great for rushing objectives, defending objectives, and just about everything you need in hardpoint. I prefer lightweight, however since you will be using a tactical insertion it won't be all that important to be able to move around fast so you can substitute in hardline. The most powerful part about this class is the tactical insertion.
(Part 2 of this series will go into in depth strategies of using this tactical insertion along with other peices of equipment.)

Class 4:Help I need COVER!

WARNING: This class I'm about to share with you can be extremely fun to use! I usually use this when I'm facing annoying snipers or target finding whores. But even without those two criteria it can be fun to use. And it will annoy the other team (especial the snipers). So if you find yourself in a situation where the other team has snipers or target finders guarding a hardpoint use this class.

Perk 1: Lightweight
Perk 2: Coldblooded or Scavenger (Scavenger preferred)
Perk 3: Tactical mask

Wildcard 1: Tactician

Primary Weapon: LSAT or other LMG w/ Dualband and Foregrip

Secondary Weapon: None

Tactical: EMP grenade x 2
Tactical: smoke

Explained: Although I will go into this in part 2 I feel I should explain this class now. So stupid ass snipers and annoying ass targetfinders bugging you. Here's the fix. Equip this class. Throw your smoke to block said annoying assholes. Now throw EMP to screw up there sights in case they have Dual Band. Now look down your dual band in the cover over your smoke. You will now be able to see them Predator style. Kill them! Hah fun right?

Class 5: Anti-EMP / C-UAV/Score Streak

This is the last important class I am going to share with you. There are many other great classes you can make, but basically they are just spin offs of these classes. This class is important to use if the other team is spamming EMP grenades, C-uav's,UAV's, and the EMP kill streak.Or if they are using things such as guardians and sentry guns.

Perk 1: Ghost + Blind Eye
Perk 2: Hardwired
Perk 3: Tactical mask

Wildcard 1: Perk 1 Greed

Primary Weapon: Your favorite Gun

Secondary Weapon: FHJ-18AA

Tactical: C4
Tactical:EMP grenade

Explained: Use this class to take out enemy kill streaks. Also, if the other team is using a lot of EMP grenades the perk Hardwired should counter the grenades.

Well, guys and gals, that is all I have for you today. These classes are great for playing hardpoint with. Stay tuned for the next part of the series. I will give you great tips on using these classes as well as hardpoint tips in general. I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of this guide.

Obama Lips

Part 2

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tips to Level Up Fast

How to level up fast in black ops 2
Black ops 2 Leveling up Guide
Hello again everyone. So now that you have your graphics and controller settings figured out the next step is to jump into the multiplayer action. You will quickly notice that at the beginning you wont have many of the weapons or perks that you want. To get these you will have to earn experience by killing other players, taking objectives, completing challenges, etc. The tips listed on this post will help you level up fast so you can get those weapons, perks, and equipment to dominate the battlefield.

Tip #1: I'll start this off with the most important tip you will get for leveling up. And that tip is to play the objective. Each game type has an objective that you need to accomplish. In Domination you must catpure flags, in hardpoint you must control a certain area, in in headquarters you must capture an area and hold the enemy off, in Kill confirmed you must get kills and then collect their dog tags. I'm not going to go into detail on how to play these games (I'll post those guides later.) But I will recommend you start off in Domination, Kill Confirmed, or Hardpoint as the majority of players score higher per minute in these game modes. My tip will be to play quite a few of each of these game modes and then checking your score per minute on all of them. You can do this buy going to your barracks and the going to game modes. You will want to continue playing the game mode in which you have the highest score per minute as that is what matters when trying to level up fast.

Tip #2: Challenges. Complete challenges. There are a ton of them and they all give you extra xp. Some are easy and some are hard. Take a look at these challenges and pick out ones that you believe would be pretty easy to get. Then try to get them. This will help your earn experience faster than just playing and randomly completing these challenges.  Killing people with your gun will earn you xp towards that gun to unlock attachments and subsequently many of these attachments have challenges as well. Once you have unlocked all the attachments for your gun you will have the chance to prestige your gun which basically resets the attachments and you get to unlock them all again earning more XP. I recommend doing this for the extra xp.

Tip #3: Use your microphone and Party up! Using your microphone while playing will allow you to make friends. If you play a game and you notice someone is good on your team ask them if they'd like to party up.You can keep doing this until you have a full team; or if you join a lobby and you see that people are playing together ask them if you can join in on their party.This will help you tremendously. Playing with people who know what they are doing makes you play better. And if you can get a full team well then hell your chances of dominating will triple.

Tip #4: Use the correct score streaks.One way to earn a lot of extra xp is through score streaks. And yes that's right, score streaks, not kill streaks. Capturing bases and getting kills will earn you score streaks which is another reason why it's important to play the objective. I consider good score streaks to be streaks that can get you a lot of points and potentially get you to your next score streak. For instance, I always run UAV. You get so many points from uav's you'd have to be an idiot not run them. Not only do you get assist points from your team mates getting kills, but it also shows you people on the map to help you get more kills. The orbital vsat is even better, however it's quite a bit harder to get. I would suggest for a beginner to run UAV, care package, and lightning strike. However, once they unlock the Counter-UAV they should substitute that for the care package. The ultimate score streak set up to maximize your points would be UAV, Counter-UAV, Orbital VSAT. Or for more experienced players you could go Orbital VSAT, EMP, Lodestar. However, the latter you will probably not hit every game and will not earn as much XP as with the first set up.

These I believe are the most useful tips for leveling up faster. In the coming days I'll post some Game Mode tips that will help you maximize your score per minute which in turn will help you level faster. I hope these tips helped!

Obama Lips

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tips for Newbies: Graphics and other Settings

Hey everyone here are some tips that you should use when first getting started playing Black Ops 2. These tips require no knowledge they are just tips that anyone can use even before playing.And I promise that they will help!

Tip #1: The first thing you are going to want to do is to optimize your screen size. Most people make the mistake  and adjust the safe area to the very edges of their television screen which I will say is a terrible idea. It ends up looking something like this. At first glance you
will be wondering why this is bad? I'll tell you why. Look up at the top left corner. Do you know what that is. You should. That's the handy dandy radar that shows you were enemies are. If they are shooting you see them, if you have a uav up you can see them, and same with the orbital vsat. Now why would you want this handy dady radar way up there where you have to turn your head to look? That's right you don't. So to fix this what you will do is from the main menu you will choose Multi-player. Then you will choose options. Then scroll down and choose Graphics Settings. Now select Safe Area. Once there you will want to adjust the margins by bring them towards the center of the screen as far as they will go. Now it will be easier to view your radar with just using your peripheral vision without sacrificing any field of view! Sweet!

Tip #2:  Just under the Safe Area option was the Brightness option. For some reason in almost every first person shooter game I've played they have an option like this. Where The top bar should not be visible, the middle should be barely visible, and the bottom should be easily visible. This is bologna, I repeat, bologna. What you are going to want to do is turn the brightness all the way up and let it SHINE! This will help you see people hiding in dark corners and what not!

Tip #3: Now we shall talk about controller issues. Mainly the button layout. Have you ever been in the midst of a battle only to have your enemy drop the floor and turn you into minced meat? How the hell? Dropshot NOOB! Hey there's a reason people do it. It's because it works. If you want to become a pro dropshotter then I suggest you change your Button layout to tactical. This makes it to when you press down on your right joystick it will go prone making it a lot easier to drop shot and getting you a lot more kills. However, the now you will have to press the B button to initiate a knife attack. But honestly I get a ton more gun kills than I do knife kills so that's a trade I'm willing to take =P.

Tip #4: This will be the last tip in this post. And it is Look Sensitivity. This is kind of a controversial topic. Some people swear you need to play on this sensitivity others swear you need to play on that sensitivity. Well I'm hear to swear something else. As you begin you should just play on the default sensitivity which I believe is 4. If you feel you cant turn fast enough or keep up with the enemy then switch it up one to 5. Play on that for a while. And by a while i mean at least 15 or so games. Now just keep repeating this adjusting it until you find the setting that works for you. And that's all I have to say about that

I hope you guys enjoyed these tips. I will be releasing more and more advanced topics as time goes on such as class set-ups, quickscoping(EWW, AHH!), and other awesome shiznit so keep stopping by. If you have any questions you can message my xbox live gamer tag: Obama Lips.

Cya around.

Obama Lips