Tip #1: The first thing you are going to want to do is to optimize your screen size. Most people make the mistake and adjust the safe area to the very edges of their television screen which I will say is a terrible idea. It ends up looking something like this. At first glance you
Tip #2: Just under the Safe Area option was the Brightness option. For some reason in almost every first person shooter game I've played they have an option like this. Where The top bar should not be visible, the middle should be barely visible, and the bottom should be easily visible. This is bologna, I repeat, bologna. What you are going to want to do is turn the brightness all the way up and let it SHINE! This will help you see people hiding in dark corners and what not!
Tip #3: Now we shall talk about controller issues. Mainly the button layout. Have you ever been in the midst of a battle only to have your enemy drop the floor and turn you into minced meat? How the hell? Dropshot NOOB! Hey there's a reason people do it. It's because it works. If you want to become a pro dropshotter then I suggest you change your Button layout to tactical. This makes it to when you press down on your right joystick it will go prone making it a lot easier to drop shot and getting you a lot more kills. However, the now you will have to press the B button to initiate a knife attack. But honestly I get a ton more gun kills than I do knife kills so that's a trade I'm willing to take =P.
Tip #4: This will be the last tip in this post. And it is Look Sensitivity. This is kind of a controversial topic. Some people swear you need to play on this sensitivity others swear you need to play on that sensitivity. Well I'm hear to swear something else. As you begin you should just play on the default sensitivity which I believe is 4. If you feel you cant turn fast enough or keep up with the enemy then switch it up one to 5. Play on that for a while. And by a while i mean at least 15 or so games. Now just keep repeating this adjusting it until you find the setting that works for you. And that's all I have to say about that
I hope you guys enjoyed these tips. I will be releasing more and more advanced topics as time goes on such as class set-ups, quickscoping(EWW, AHH!), and other awesome shiznit so keep stopping by. If you have any questions you can message my xbox live gamer tag: Obama Lips.
Cya around.
Obama Lips
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